We take pride in our integrity, skilled personnel, Ultra-modern Plants and construction equipment, the quality of our completed projects, cost saving recommendations to our clients, adherence to scheduling and our very low injury rate. Our experience, continued customer satisfaction and high safety standards give our clients the confidence to rely on us again and again...
Ongoing Projects
Project :
Beautification and Redevelopment of Amruteshwar Talav Area.
Location : Belapur, Navi Mumbai
Client : NMMC

Project :
Concretization of Channel from MTNL Building to St. Lawrence School and Development of Parking Lot at Vashi.
Location : Vashi, Navi Mumbai
Client : NMMC

Project :
Improvement of road in 'D' Block from Turbhe Flyover to Uranphata,
Construction of RCC Strom Water Drain & RCC Box Culvert in TTC Ind.
Location : Turbhe, Navi Mumbai
Client : NMMC

Project :
Underground Drainage System Work.
Location : Vashi Turbhe Road Navi Mumbai
Client : Gharpure Eng & Const Pvt Ltd

Project :
Integrated development of balance infrastructure, including construction of service road.
Location : sector-4 & sector-34, Nerul ,Navi Mumbai.
Client : CIDCO

Project :
Repairs of existing Mahatma Phule Road.
Location : (from Retibhavan to Garibachavada), Dombivli.
Client : KDMC

Project :
Providing & Laying RCC Sewer Line.
Location : Killegaothan.
Client : NMMC

Project :
Providing & Laying Sewer Line.
Location : Sec-10-15 & 21 leading to STP in Sec-15 at Ghansoli.
Client : CIDCO

Project :
Providing & Laying RCC Sewerage Line.
Location : Belapur & Nerul Phase 1, 2 & 3, Navi Mumbai.
Client : NMMC Proton Construction